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2007-06-20 15:47:07|  分类: 外文诗歌 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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  1. American Poetry
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  10. Guatemalan Poetry
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  13. Irish Poetry
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  17. Nicaraguan Poetry
  18. Nigerian Poetry
  19. Persian Poetry
  20. Portugese Poetry
  21. Roman Poetry
  22. Russian Poetry
  23. Sierra Leonean Poetry
  24. Spanish Poetry

The Golden Treasure (1875)(.chm format)

  • The Oxford Book of British Verse (1250-1900) I II III(.chm format)

  • The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse(.chm format)

  • The Oxford Book of Ballads(.chm format)

  • Beowulf(.chm format)

  • Sir Gawayne and the Grene Knyght(.chm format)

  • Troilus and Criseyde By Geoffrey Chaucer(.chm format)

  • Poems by Edmund Spenser

  • The Faerie Queens by Edmund Spenser(.chm format)

  • Astrophel and Stella by Philip Sidney

  • Four Plays by Christopher Marlowe(.chm format)

  • Lyrical Poems Of Robert Herrick(.chm format)

  • The Complete Poetry(inclusive of all his drama) of William Shakespeare(.chm format)

  • Poems by Ben Jonson

  • Two Masques by Ben Jonson(.chm format)

  • Metaphysical Lyrics & Poems of the 17th C.(1921)(.chm format)

  • The Complete English Poems of John Milton(.chm format)

  • Poems by John Donne

  • The Complete Poems of John Donne(.rar format)外文诗歌 - 学生与国学 - 国学

  • Poems by Alexander Pope(.chm format)

  • The Complete Poetry of Robert Burns(.chm format)

  • Collected Poems of William Blake(.chm format)

  • Poems by William Blake

  • Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth and S. T. Coleridge(.chm format)

  • The Complete Poems of William Wordsworth(.chm format)

  • Selected Poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge(.chm format)

  • Poems by George Gordon Lord Byron

  • Don Juan by George Gordon Lord Byron(.chm format)

  • Poems by Percy Besshe Shelley

  • The Major Poetical Works of Percy Besshe Shelley(.chm format)

  • Poems by John Keats

  • Selected poetry of John Keats(.chm format)

  • A Victorian Anthology, 1837–1895(.chm format)

  • Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

  • Two Poetry Volumes by Robert Browning(.chm format)

  • Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson

  • Two Long Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson(.chm format)

  • Tristram of Lyonesse by Algernon Charles Swinburne(.rar format)

  • Four Poetry Volumes by George Meredith(.chm format)

  • Two Poetry Volumes by Francis Thompson(.chm format)

  • Wessex and Other Poems by Thomas hardy(.chm format)

  • Poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins(.chm format)

  • Two Poetry Volumes by Oscar Wilde(.chm format)

  • A Shropshire Lad by A. E. Housman(.chm format)

  • Amores by D. H. Lawrence(.chm format)

  • New Poems by D. H. Lawrence(.chm format)

  • Poems by Siegfried Sassoon

  • Poems by T. S. Eliot(.chm format)

  • Poems by Philip Larkin

  • Poems by Ted Hughes

    • Yale Book of American Verse (1912)(.chm format)

    • Modern American Poetry  (1919)(.chm format)

    • The Book of American Negro Poetry (1922)(.chm format)

    • Poems by William Cullen Bryant

    • Poems by Edgar Alan Poe

    • Poems by Ralph Waldo Emerson

    • Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman(.chm format)

    • The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson(.chm format)

    • Poems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    • Three Poetry Volumes by Edwin Arlington Robinson(.chm format)

    • Poems by Alan Seeger(.chm format)

    • Poems by Joyce Kilmer(.chm format)

    • Collected Poems of H.D.(.rar format)外文诗歌 - 学生与国学 - 国学

    • Poems by Wallace Stevens

    • The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens(.rar format)外文诗歌 - 学生与国学 - 国学

    • Two Poetry Volumes by Vachel Lindsay(.chm format)

    • Renascence and Other Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay(.chm format)

    • Four Poetry Volumes by Sara Teasdale(.chm format)

    • Four Poetry Volumes of Robert Frost(.chm format)

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    • Cornhuskers by Carl Sandburg(.chm format)

    • Poems by e.e.cummings

    • Poems by Allen Ginsberg

    • Poems by Sylvia Plath

    • Poems by Elizabeth Bishop

    • Poems by Frank O'hara

    • Poems by Galway Kinnell

    • Poems by Robinson Jeffers

    • Poems by Joseph Brodsky

    • Poems by Robert Bly

    • Poems by Robert Lowell

    • Poems by W. S. Mervin

    • Poems by Ruth Stone

      • Anthology of Irish Verse(1922)(.chm format)

      • Collected Poems of William Butler Yeats(.chm format)

      • Collected Poems of Seamus Heaney(.chm format)

        • The Oxford Book of Australasian Verse (1918)(.chm format)

        • An Anthology of Australian Verse(.chm format)

        • Three Poetry Volumes by by Henry Kendall(.chm format)

          • Nibelungenlied (in English)(.chm format)

          • Gedichte by Goethe (in German)(.chm format)

          • Faust by Johann W. Goethe (in English)(.chm format)

          • Urfaust by Johann Wolfgang Goethe (in German)(.chm format)

          • Faust. Ein Fragment by Johann Wolfgang Goethe (in German)(.chm format)

          • The Poems of Goethe (in English)(.chm format)

          • Gedichte by Schiller (in German)(.chm format)

          • Gedichte by Friedrich Hölderlin (in German)(.chm format)

          • Poems by Heinrich Heine (in German)(.chm format)

          • Poems by Eugen Roth (in German)

            • Poems by Rainer Maria Rilke (in English)

            • Poems by Rainer Maria Rilke (in French)(.chm format)

            • DIE SONETTE AN ORPHEUS und Duineser Elegien von R. M. Rilke (in German)(.chm format)

            • Georg Trakl: Gedichte (in German)(.chm format)

              • The Oxford Book of French Verse(1920) (in French)(.chm format)

              • The Song of Roland (in English)(.chm format)

              • Poems by Pierre de Ronsard (in French)(.chm format)

              • Poems by François VILLON (in French)(.chm format)

              • Poems by Du Bellay (in French)(.zip format)

              • Polyeucte by Pierre Corneille (in English)(.chm format)

              • Tartuffe; Or, The Hypocrite by Jean Baptiste Poquelin Molière (in English)(.chm format)

              • Phædra by Jean Racine (in English)(.chm format)

              • Poems by Jean de La Fontaine (in French)(.zip format)

              • Poems by Jean-Pierre Claris de FLORIAN (in French)(.chm format)

              • Two Poetry Volumes by Alphonse de LAMARTINE (in French)(.zip format)

              • Poems by Alfred de MUSSET (in French)(.chm format)

              • Poems by Alfred de Vigny (in French)(.chm format)

              • Four Poetry Volumes by Victor Hugo (in French)(.zip format)

              • Poems by Théophile Gautier (in French)(.chm format)

              • Poems by Tristan Corbiere (in French)(.chm format)

              • Poems by Charles-Marie Leconte De Lisle (in French)(.chm format)

              • The Complete Poems of Charles Baudelaire (in French)(.zip format)

              • Five Poetry Volumes by Arthur Rimbaud (in French)(.zip format)

              • Poésies by Stéphane Mallarmé (in French)(.chm format)

              • Five Poetry Volumes by Paul Verlaine (in French)(.zip format)

              • Poems by Paul Verlaine (in English)

              • Poems by Jules LAFORGUE (in French)(.chm format)

              • Poems by José-Maria de Heredia (in French)(.chm format)

              • Poems by René-François SULLY PRUDHOMME (in French)(.chm format)

              • Poems by Paul-Jean Toulet (in French)(.chm format)

              • Poems by Paul Eluard (in French)

              • Poems by René-Guy Cadou (in French)

              • Alcools by Guillaume Apollinaire (in French)(.zip format)

              • Poems by Guillaume Apollinaire (in French)

              • Poems by Louis Aragon (in French)

              • Poems by André Breton (in French)

              • Poems by Henri Michaux (in French)

              • Poems by Bernard Lorraine (in French)

              • Poems by Gérard de Nerval (in French)(.chm format)

              • Poems by Alain Bosquet (in French)

              • Poems by Remy de Gourmont (in English)

              • Poems by René Char (in French)

              • Poems by Robert Desnos (in French)

              • Poems by Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian (in French)

              • Poems by Rosemonde Gérard (in French)

              • Poems by Yvan Goll (in French)

                • Poems by Emile Verhaeren (in French)(.chm format)

                • Poems by Jean Delville (in English)

                  • Poems by Fernando Pessoa (in Portugese)(.chm format)

                      The Meters of Latin Poetry

                    • The Oxford Book of Latin Verse (in Latin)(.chm format)

                    • Comedies by Terence (in Latin)(.chm format)

                    • De Rerum Natura by Lucretius (in Latin)(.chm format)

                    • Poems by Catullus (in Latin and English)

                    • Carmina by Catullus (in Latin)(.chm format)

                    • Aeneid by Virgil (in English)(.chm format)

                    • The Complete Poetry of Virgil (in Latin)(.chm format)
                    • The Ecologues of Virgil (in Latin and English)(.chm format)
                    • The Georgics of Virgil (in Latin and English)(.chm format)
                    • Metamorphoses by Ovid (in English)(.chm format)
                    • Metamorphoses by Ovid (in Latin)(.chm format)
                    • The Love Books of Ovid (in Latin and English)(.chm format)
                    • Poems by Ovid (in Latin)
                    • Poetry by Horace (in Latin)(.chm format)
                    • Poems by Horace (in Latin and English)
                    • Poetry by Tibullus (in Latin)(.chm format)
                    • Poems by Martial (in Latin)
                    • The Complete Poetry of Martial (in Latin)(.chm format)
                    • Poems by Juvenal (in Latin)
                    • Homer in Latin (.chm format)
                    • Poetry by Lucan (in Latin)(.chm format)
                    • Tragedies by Seneca (in Latin)(.chm format)
                      • Vita nuova by Dante Alighieri (in Italian)(.chm format)

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                      • The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri (in English)(.chm format)

                      • La Divina Commedia by Dante Alighieri (in Italian)(.chm format)

                      • Orlando Furioso by Ludovico Ariosto (in English)(.chm format)

                      • Jerusalem Delivered by Torquato Tasso (in English)(.chm format)

                        • Poems by Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov (in English)

                        • Poems by Konstantin Bal'mont (in Russian)(.zip format)

                        • Poems by Osip Mandelshtam (in Russian)(.chm format)

                        • White Flock by Anna Akhmatova (in English)

                        • Poems by Anna Akhmatova (in Russian)(.chm format)

                        • Poems by Esenin (in Russian)(.zip format)

                        • The Best of Marina Tsvetaeva (in English)(.chm format)

                        • Poems by Marina Tsvetaeva (in Russian)(.zip format)

                        • Poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky (in English)

                        • Poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky (in Russian)(.zip format)

                        • Poems by Aleksandr Blok (in English)

                          • The Lay of the Cid (in English)(.chm format)

                          • The Sonnets of the Golden Age (in Spanish and English)(.chm format)

                          • Poems by Federico García Lorca (in English)

                          • Poems by Rafael Alberti (in Spanish)(.chm format)

                            • The Hymns of Orpheus (in English)(.chm format)

                            • The Iliad by Homer (in English)(.chm format)

                            • The Iliad by Homer (in Greek)(.chm format)

                            • The Odessey by Homer (in English)(.chm format)

                            • Hymn to Demeter by Homer (in English)

                            • Poetry by Hesiod (in Greek)(.chm format)

                            • Poems by Hesiod (in English)(.chm format)

                            • Poetry by Semonides (in Greek)(.chm format)

                            • Poetry by Kallinos (in Greek)(.chm format)

                            • Golden Verse of Pythagoras (in English)

                            • Poetry by Archilochos (in Greek)(.chm format)

                            • Poems by Sappho (in English)

                            • Poetry by Sappho (in Greek)(.chm format)

                            • Poems of Sappho (in English and Greek)(.chm format)

                            • Six Plays by Aeschylus (in English)(.chm format)
                            • Eleven Plays by Aristohanes (in English)(.chm format)
                            • Comedies by Aristophanes (in Greek)(.chm format)
                            • Six Plays by Sophocles (in English)(.chm format)

                            • Eleven Plays by Euripides (in English)(.chm format)

                            • Poems by Nonnos (in Greek)(.chm format)

                            • The Argonautica by Apollonius Rhodius (in English)(.chm format)

                            • The Songs of Bilitis by Pierre Louÿs (in English)(.chm format)

                            • Poems by Constantine P. Cavafy (in English and Greek)(.chm format)

                            • Poems by Odesseus Elytis (in English)

                              • Poems by Ruben Dario (in English and Spanish)(.chm format)

                                  Clearvigil in Spring by Asturias (in English)(.chm format)

                                    Twentieth Century Mexican Poetry (in English)(.chm format)

                                      Divan-e Shams by Rumi (in English)(.chm format)

                                    • Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, rendered into English verse by Edward Fitzgerald(.chm format)

                                    • Gulistan by Saadi (in English)(.chm format)

                                      • MahabharataI (in English)(.chm format)

                                      • Ramayana (in English)(.chm format)

                                        • The English translation of Ogura Hyakunin Isshu

                                        • Hyakunin Isshu (in English and Japanese)(.zip format)

                                          • Poems from the Bible (in English)(.chm format)

                                              Poems by Wole Soyinka

                                            • Poems by Obi Nwakanma

                                            • Poems by Olu Oguibe

                                              • Poems by Syl Cheyney-Coker

                                                  The Burden of Isis (in English)(.chm format)

                                                • The Book of the Dead (in English)(.chm format)

                                                  • ×ܼƷÃÎÊ25238030|½ñÈÕ·ÃÎÊ12932¡ô

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